What we do
We take the fear out of finance, so you can spend more time focusing on things you love – like being in the outdoors with friends and family.
Providing opportunity
for investment growth
Retail investing
Where it fits, Outfitter Financial offers low fee segregated fund solutions that combine the growth potential offered by a broad range of investment funds with unique wealth protection and estate planning features.
Insurance as an asset class
Most investors view insurance as an expense, when in fact it can be a powerful asset. We’re a national authority on using properly structured participating whole life insurance policies as an attractive safe money alternative to cash and fixed income investments.
Private investment management
For clients interested beyond the public markets, Outfitter Financial has developed strong relationships with Portfolio Managers (PMs) across Canada. Typically only available to pension plans, foundations and ultra-high-net-worth families, we can introduce you to a PM if you have $300,000 of investable assets or more.
PMs also set themselves apart from retail investment managers by accessing private markets and often charging lower management fees than most mutual funds. If we introduce you to one of our PMs, we sit with you – on your side of the table – and hold them accountable together.
Managing your own portfolio?
If you’re the type who prefers to manage your own investment portfolio, we admire that and support you! Having said this, most investors are still losing money unknowingly and unnecessarily. We are here to help you identify the possible leaks and get you back on track with managing your portfolio.
Producing predictable and
sustainable cashflow
Access to cash for income you can rely on, for an investment or business opportunity or for unforeseen capital expenditures is paramount, even during retirement. We can help you accomplish this and avoid having your money sit stagnant in a cash account!
Beyond the markets
Backed by Canada’s leading lending institutions, tax advantaged Insured Retirement Planning (IRP) has taken centre stage with affluent and high-net-worth Canadians. Ask us how an IRP can complement your income goals.
Income in retirement can come from sources beyond government benefits, pension plans and registered plans. Knowing which sources are available to you – and which to take income from first – could prevent hundreds of thousands of dollars from disappearing over your lifetime.
Protecting capital today
and in the future
Risk management: protecting human capital
With three decades of supporting top advisors, advisory firms, and their clients, we can help you identify risks in your financial objectives and protect you and your loved ones in the event of a premature death, disability or critical illness.
Risk management: minimizing tax
There’s a BIG difference between deferring taxes and minimizing them. With proper planning and execution, we can help you take control of your money and protect yourself from unnecessary tax loss… today and tomorrow!
Risk management: protecting investment capital
The timing of a market downturn is never optimal and can take a significant toll on your portfolio. Just by allocating five to ten percent of your portfolio to a properly structured permanent insurance policy, we can help minimize these unnecessary losses and provide more liquidity for opportunities that may present themselves.